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Geological Map of Hsinchu, 1934

During the Japanese colonial period, the colonial government conducted numerous surveys and scientific expeditions to explore the resources of Taiwan.


This map was surveyed by Makiyama Tsuruhiko(牧山鶴彥), a technician from the Colonial Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry. It primarily presents the distribution of terrain in Hsinchu District, including hills, plateaus, mountains, and plains. Additionally, it depicts geological structures such as the Green Grass Lake Anticline, Xincheng Fault, Kanziqi Syncline, and Baoshan Anticline through cross-sectional diagrams. These geological structures serve as indicators of mineral deposits and highlight the significance of Hsinchu as the fuel and industrial core of the Japanese colonial territory.

Phone:03-5742245 | 

 Address: 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.

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