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Tek-chhàm City Wall Stone around 1827 to 1829

Donor:Pan Guo-zheng



Tek-chhàm city well stone (around 1827 to 1829), donated by Pan Guo-zheng.


This Tek-chhàm city wall stone was originally part of the defensive moat located outside the East Gate. When new construction was planned, these stones were removed from the moat in the extensive excavation work.


During the construction of Tek-chhàm City from 1827 to 1829, Hsinchu lacked local sources of stone, and had to transport the stone from distant towns like Guanxi and Hengshan. In those days, there were no motorized vehicles, and the roads were primarily made of gravel or dirt. Transportation relied solely on ox carts and human labor. With journeys lasting at least a full day, they would depart before dawn and arrive after sunset, described "black at both ends" . This city wall stone represents more than just a physical piece of the wall; it carries historical and cultural significance. They were incredibly precious and vital!

Phone:03-5742245 | 

 Address: 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.

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