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Sunagawa Kannzou / Taiwan Island Expedition Journal around 1895

Sunagawa Kannzou

Display size:12.4 ×31 cm

Collection Number:2019-1-0153 

Tawan was ceded to Japan as a result of the defeat of Qing dynasty. Sunagawa Kannzou served as the Japanese Sergeant Major of the 6th Company in the 4th Battalion of the Konoe Division. This expedition journal detailed the day-by-day movements of the Japanese troops in Taiwan from July 1, 1895, to the end of November.


From the content, Sunagawa likely participated in the Yamane Detachment in their indillerentiated sweeps of people between Taipei and Hsinchu. Although the Japanese forces had occupied Hsinchu City on June 22, they were constantly engaged in dealing with guerrilla attacks from Taiwanese militia. In August, they entered areas that are now part of Hsinchu County, including Hukou and Xinpu. He took part in the final battles at Jidanmian and Jianbishan during that time. It's worth noting that the journal dedicates significant sections to documenting the soldiers' health conditions, emphasizing the hardships faced by the Japanese troops due to various illnesses during their deployment in Taiwan.

Phone:03-5742245 | 

 Address: 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.

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