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Imperial Examination
Zheng Jiazhen/ Foreword to General Historica of Taiwan by Zhou Weijin
42.9長 X 73.4寬 cm
鄭家珍,字伯璵,號雪汀,竹塹城外東勢莊人,1894年取中甲午科舉人,次年日軍 攻陷新竹,舉家內渡泉州南安,開設學館。1919年因革命動亂重回新竹寓居8年,曾受聘為北門鄭肇基(1885-1937)西席,教讀於水田吳氏耕心齋、東勢鄭希康寓所,並指導新竹公學校同仁組成之「亂彈會」習作詩文。
Zheng Jiazheng, courtesy name Boyu and style name Xueting, was a native of Dongshi Village outside Tek-chhàm(now Hsinchu). He passed the provincial examination in 1894, and earned the title of Juren. Following the Japanese capture of Hsinchu in 1895, his family relocated to Quanzhou, where he established a school. In 1919, he returned to Hsinchu for about eight years amid revolutionary turmoil in mainland China. He was employed by Zheng Zhaoji and taught at various local academies, also guiding a literary group formed by colleagues from Hsinchu Public School.
This piece is Zheng Jiazheng's foreword to Zhou Weijin's "General Historica of Taiwan." After reading about the 1895 cession of Taiwan, Zheng was moved to tears by recounting the islanders' indignation and the ministers' sorrowful laments. Unfortunately, aside from Zheng's preface, the complete book is not extant.