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清 同治12年 (1873)
Western Schools: A Brief Discussion of the Great German School, 1873 

24 長× 25寬cm


寄2023-1773_1 封面.jpg



《西國學校》為德國傳教士兼漢學家花之安(Ernst Faber,1839-1899)所著,原書名為《德國學校論略》,連載於教會刊物上,1902年由沈蔚文重新編輯出版。花之安1864年來華,初於廣東教會教學、行醫,主張以教育發展中國,故撰述系統性的介紹以德國為本的西方近代教育。其一生撰寫了十多部重要的中文著作,對近代中西方文化交流有不可忽略的貢獻。




"Western Schools" was written by German missionary and sinologist Ernst Faber (1839-1899). Originally titled "A Brief Discussion of German Schools," it was serialized in a church publication and re-edited by Shen Weiwen in 1902. Faber, who arrived in China in 1864, advocated for education as a means of development, introducing the German model of modern education in his writings. His works significantly influenced East Asian educational systems.

The book details a three-tiered education system: primary, secondary, and higher education. It covers compulsory primary education, technical and specialized secondary schools, teacher training, and the concepts of kindergartens, female education, and prisoner education.


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