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Imperial Examination

Shi Shijie/ Letter to Chen Huaicheng
24長 × 36寬 cm

施士洁(1853-1922),原名應嘉,字澐舫,號芸況、喆園,晚號耐公,臺灣縣(今臺南)人。施士洁於光緒2年(1876) 參與丙子恩科春試,中三甲二名,與其父施瓊芳(1815-1868)亦是進士,為臺灣科舉史上唯一的父子進士。施士洁因乙未割臺(1895),舉家內渡至原籍福建晉江西岑,本人則長期往來廈門與福建之間。件展示之〈致此件寫給陳懷澄信札〉即是施氏移居後所作。信中內容評點陳懷澄詩作,贊陳氏資質不凡外,更提及自己處理搬家、租賃房屋,四處漂泊的現狀,透露人身歸故里,但心靈無枝可依的感慨。本館另有典藏兩件施士洁寫與友人的信件,呈現當時兩岸文士唱和往來的狀況,其中一件的落款更為「鯤島棄民施士洁西岑呈稿」,更展現身處乙未變局之文人的辛酸與無奈。
Shi Shijie, originally named Yingjia, courtesy name Yunfang and style name Yunkuang, Zheyuan, and Naigong, was a Jinshi from Taiwan County (now Tainan). He passed the special imperial examination in 1876, achieving the second rank in the third class. His father, Shi Qiongfeng, was also a Jinshi, making them the only father-son duo to achieve Jinshi status in the history of Taiwan.
The displayed letters are poetic exchanges between Shi and his friends. After the 1895 cession of Taiwan to Japan, Shi's family moved to their ancestral home in Jinjiang, Fujian, while Shi frequently traveled between Xiamen and Fujian. The letters show Shi's relocation, requiring multiple transfers to reach his friends. His inscription, "Exiled Resident of Kun Dao(Taiwan), Shi Shijie," reflects the scholar's bitterness and helplessness amid the era's upheavals.