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Section 3: Celebration of Art and Culture Among Friends from Taiwan, China, and Japan

The cultural scenes in Hsinchu flourished after Zheng Yongxi built Beiguo Garden and Lin Zhanmei built Qian Garden. Beginning from the mid-19th century, the two gardens had been gathering places for literati and artists in northern Taiwan. Calligraphy, a literal expression of the heart, and painting, a pictorial representation of the heart, by local residents are indicators of a city’s creative energy. This section presents calligraphies and paintings by literati in Hsinchu, as well as works arising from their friendship with the Chinese and Japanese from the period just before the Qing dynasty up to the time around the liberation of Taiwan in 1945. These works show Hsinchu as an important hub that connects the world and fosters interactivity among Taiwan, China, and Japan.

6 林占梅/富貴神仙圖.jpg
010 林守長/竹陰花氣行書七言對聯(之一)-2.jpg
021 謝介石/致那須甚市信札-2.jpg
2. 何翀/竹石花鳥圖.jpg
005 李逸樵/道德福祿行書八言對聯-1.jpg
010 林守長/竹陰花氣行書七言對聯(之一)-1.jpg
005 李逸樵/道德福祿行書八言對聯-2.jpg
3. 謝琯樵/仿徐渭花鳥圖.jpg
6 林希周/秋色黃華圖.jpg
009 曾浴蘭/仿李霞松下煮茶圖.jpg

Phone:03-5742245 | 

 Address: 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 300044, Taiwan R.O.C.

Copyright (c) 2022 National Tsing Hua University


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