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Imperial Examination

臺灣自1684 年被納入滿清版圖後,也進入科舉文化圈。1823 年新竹鄭用錫高中進士,開臺灣科舉之新紀元。清領臺灣時期,臺灣培育了不少進士、舉人與秀才,這些人廣泛地參與了當時臺灣內內外外的公共事務,他們與遍佈臺灣各地區的書院,共同構成清領臺灣時期這塊島嶼的文化世界。本單元以展覽臺灣進士、舉人、秀才等的書畫作品為主,並介紹在臺灣的書院。

After being incorporated into the Manchu Qing Empire in 1684, Taiwan likewise entered the cultural sphere of the imperial examination system. In 1823, Cheng Yongxi (1788–1858) of Hsinchu earned the degree of jinshi (lit. “advanced scholar” or successful candidate of the court exam)—the first to do so from Taiwan—ushering Taiwan into a new era of the exam system. During the period of Taiwan under Qing rule, numerous scholars who would obtain a juren (lit. “recommended man” or successful candidate of the provincial exam)or jinshi degree were cultivated in Taiwan. These scholars participated extensively in public affairs both within and outside Taiwan, and together with the academies established throughout the island, largely formed the cultural world of Taiwan. This portion of the exhibition showcases the paintings and calligraphy works of xiucai (successful candidate of the county exam), juren, and jinshi of Taiwan, as well as introducing related academies.